Yeah, I’m a music buff. I used to kill everybody in rock music trivial pursuit. It’s not something I’m really proud of or ever worked at, it’s just that for some reason endless amounts of pop rock trivia lodges itself in my brain and refuses to leave. It started long before Google was around.
The name of rush’s first drummer -before Neil Peart? John Rutsey.
Gene Simmons’ all time favorite song? “When you wish upon a star”.
Guitar Jimmy Page used for ‘Stairway’ solo? A Telecaster. The one Jeff Beck gave him.
You know, all the important stuff.
So when found out a secret something about one of my favorite Dylan songs I was amazed. I mean, this is such a great tune and Dylan sounds great singing it in his Dylanesque way. It’s cool and different and slightly poppier than a lot of his stuff.
So the little secret something I learned about my favorite Dylan song?
It’s not Bob Dylan.
Yep, “Stuck in the middle with you”. Is not Bob Dylan. I thought it was. For a long time. C’mon!! Does it not sound like Dylan?
I’m terribly embarrassed. How did I not know it was “Stealers Wheel“? I mean, they’re legends in their own right, right? Everybody has a “Stealers Wheel” story don’t they?
Boy did I miss that one.
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