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Drummer’s Survival Guide: Know Your Role


What do you call a guy who likes to hang around musicians?

A drummer.

Why do drummers have such a bad reputation in this regard? Well, unfortunately a lot of the time it is because they deserve it. Musically speaking, nothing is worse than a drummer who overplays and wants to show off those shiny new splash cymbals or gong or roto toms or whatever. It is essential to embrace the following concept in the name of all that does not suck –

The drums are a collection of percussive instruments that primarily play a rhythmic role in music.

They can provide other elements as well- texture, dynamics, attitude, and so forth. But if the drummer does not understand his fundamental role all will sound like turd. The drums and drummer exist within a band to support the music. As Bono said about U2’s rhythm section –Larry Mullen and Adam Clayton –they are the legs to the music. Sorry to the drummers who want to be front and center but your role is primarily a supportive one.

But what about Neil Peart? And Danny Carey? And Mitch Mitchell (RIP)? I guarantee as dramatic as they are they are fully aware when they are stepping outside the bounds of their role. Even though these guys are known for their shreddability factors I would still argue they initially approach the music from a supportive perspective, then AS THE MUSIC DICTATES they branch out from there into shred territory.

Drummers remember –we are musicians FIRST, and shredders second. If you don’t master the first concept you will never be allowed to show off your chops because everyone will hate you.

This man is an absolute unruly freak of nature, but I guarantee you when his main employer (Prince) wants him to lay down a funky simple groove he does it –no frills attached.

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